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Migrating a Wordpress Powered Site to GatsbyJS

January 11th, 2018

We walk through our experiences migrating a fairly large WordPress-hosted application to an entirely different model with statically built code via GatsbyJS + ReactJS

Dustin Schau, Ben Hejkal, Jake Partusch, Emily Stinger

Use a Terraform wrapper script to easily manage Terraform installations

December 21st, 2017

This Terraform wrapper is a script that automatically loads the appropriate version of Terraform for the particular project.

David Norton

Dynamic SFTP Connection Factory for Spring Integration

December 20th, 2017

Dynamic SFTP Connection Factory for Spring Integration

Chris Tosspon

Object Partners 2017 MN Holiday Open House - Recap

December 18th, 2017

Thanks to everyone that showed up to our annual Holiday Open House - to spread a little holiday cheer, and to donate and support a great MN charity, One Warm Coat . The holidays are a time of celebration, family, and friends. It’s also a time of…

Ehren Seim

Experiencing Hour of Code

December 15th, 2017

Hour of Code is an annual event aimed at introducing students to computer science. This is my experience.

Brendon Anderson

Serializing Groovy Traits with Jackson

December 14th, 2017

A simple example of serializing objects with Groovy traits using the Jackson library.

Chris Tosspon

Passing Command Line Arguments to a Spring Boot Application via a bootRun Task in Gradle

December 7th, 2017

Example of how to pass command line arguments to a Spring Boot Application via the bootRun task in Gradle.

Rob Boler

Android Architecture Components

December 5th, 2017

Learning to use ViewModel and LiveData

Joseph Roskopf

Build your svg on the server using Swagger, Node, Express

November 30th, 2017

Recently, I had the need to share an svg chart between a javascript (React) app, an android app, and an iOS app. One option would be to write code in all three application to generate the chart, but a better option is to push the generation of the…

Scott Bock

Missing Codecs in MongoDB

November 28th, 2017

What to do when you get org.bson.codecs.configuration.CodecConfigurationException: cant find a codec for class java.math.BigDecimal.

Mike Hostetler

Taming Redux with Sagas

November 20th, 2017

Use redux-saga and redux-saga test plan to simplify your Redux-based React application with shiny new JS Generators.

Mike Plummer

Spring Webflux - Functional Endpoints

November 16th, 2017

This post will look at how to set up a simple router and get global error handling in place using the new webflux.fn routing available in Spring 5.

Iain Coffield

Building healthcare applications with Alexa

November 14th, 2017

Smart speakers are continuing to become more popular in people’s homes. They are incredibly affordable and offer a natural way of communicating with your favorite applications with your voice. Alexa has now surpassed 20,000 skills in its store…

Iain Coffield

High Availability With A Single Instance

November 10th, 2017

High Availability With A Single Instance

Aaron Hanson

Handy Gradle Recipes

November 8th, 2017

Some tweaks and hints for gradle

Mike Hostetler

Development After Scrum

November 6th, 2017

Development After Scrum

Aaron Hanson

CSS in JS: Benefits, Drawbacks, and Tooling

November 3rd, 2017

An all-encompassing overview of why CSS in JS exists, what problems it attempts to solve, real-world usage of various solutions, and finally some drawbacks of CSS in JS.

Dustin Schau

Docker Parameterized Builds Using Git Tags, Part 2 of 2

November 2nd, 2017

Learn to use git tags to feed three package versions and dynamically create a Dockerfile at build time.

Patrick Double

GraphQL in Spring Boot (Take Two)

October 31st, 2017

GraphQL in Spring Boot (Take Two)

Matt Schroeder

Functional Testing With Embedded Kafka

October 25th, 2017

Functional Testing With Embedded Kafka in a Spring Boot Application using a Gradle task.

Brendon Anderson

Aggregate Services into a Single Swagger

September 28th, 2017

Aggregate Services into a Single Swagger

Matt Schroeder

Masking sensitive data in Log4j 2

September 26th, 2017

Automatically mask sensitive fields in Log4j 2 to protect your users privacy and comply with PCI standards.

Igor Shults

Getting XML Directly from PostgreSQL

September 22nd, 2017

There was a discussion on our company Slack recently about databases and XML, and someone pointed out that PostgreSQL has some nice XML functions . I’m a Postgres fan and knew that it had some XML functions but haven’t dug into them yet. Using my…

Mike Hostetler

Docker Parameterized Builds Using Git Tags, Part 1 of 2

September 20th, 2017

Using git tags to specify what the Dockerfile should build without branching.

Patrick Double

Real Time Chat Application with Kotlin and Firebase

September 6th, 2017

Real Time Chat Application with Kotlin and Firebase

Joseph Roskopf
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